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Join an online Satsang:


Sunday 8am AEST (Sydney)
3pm LA 12th, 11pm UK 12th)

MAY 11

Sunday 10am MDT (Denver)
5pm UK, 2am Sydney 12th)

​Next: ​8am AEST (Sydney) Sunday 13th April 

(3pm LA Saturday 12th, 11pm UK Saturday 12th) 

Please check your timezone here.​


Satang is a gathering with an awakened teacher where we discuss awakening and the Truth of our being. Shar will lead a meditation, provide a talk and then the rest of the time is open to questions. Shar guides you to access your unbound formless nature and provides practices and inquiries that support embodiment of your essential Self.


This meeting lasts approximately 2 hours and is open to everyone on a donation basis (suggested USD$20-$40). No-one is turned away due to a lack of funds. Please donate what you can afford. 


Meetings are recorded and may be uploaded to YouTube. Please turn your camera off if you don't wish to have your face shown publicly. ​​


As Shar lives between the USA and Australia, the Satsang is held at a different time each month. Shar tries to cater for as many timezones as possible when selecting times for events.


Some of the benefits of Satsang are:

- Listening to others questions about their awakening - it can be benefical to see the similarities between our own path and others

- You have an opportunity to ask a question if you wish - Shar will meet you wherever you are on your journey and gently guide you towards what's true

- Feel a sense of sangha - it's helpful to feel connected with others going through the same path

- Transmission - the deepest teaching is transmitted energetically



Zoom Link:


Meeting ID: 812 5106 7964


Passcode: satsang

Previous Satsang

"How to explain my experience of being a member of Shar's online groups? It feels that the best explanation would be found outside in the wide open spaces beyond the walls of my experience and these words into a world where we are already, where my mind has a conniption about going and staying for long, let alone remembering it is that simple. As part of Shar's groups I go into the tunnel of my experience and then I'm lead gently out into that wide-open space again and again by Shar's presence and clear words. Shar has lead me back into the light over and over where I feel my heart humming with love. Ultimately perhaps my explanation is the consistent reminder of the alive presence, the immense impersonal love found in all of life's experiences, mine and others."

- Lynda​​

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